
有证参考物质( certified reference material (CRM))、有证标准物质:附有证书的参考物质,其一种或多种特性值用建立了溯源性的程序确定,使之可溯源到准确复现的表示该特性值的测量单位,每一种出证的特性值都附有给定置信水平的不确定度。只要的参考物质提供商有:NIBSC,IRMM,NIST等。

参考物质   Reference Material
品牌 货号 品名 产品类型 来源 应用 推荐指数 配对 COA 收藏
IRMM ERM-AD455k/IFCC CREATINE KINASE ISOENZYME MM (CK-MM) (catalytic activity concentration) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
IRMM BCR-457 HUMAN THYROGLOBULIN (Tg) (mass concentration) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
IRMM ERM-DA192 HUMAN SERUM (cortisol unspiked) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 87/640 WHO Reference ReagentTUMOUR NECROSIS FACTOR BETA (Human, rDNA derived) 参考物质 Mouse 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 86/500 INTERLEUKIN 2 (Human, rDNA derived) 参考物质 Mouse 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 90/586 Interleukin-5 (Human, rDNA derived) 参考物质 Mouse 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 95/544 Interleukin-12 (Human rDNA derived) 参考物质 Mouse 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 01/420 Interleukin-17 (Human rDNA derived) 参考物质 Mouse 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 73/601 Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA), Human 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC B2M β2 Microglobulin停产 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 95/522 Anti-hepatitis B core antigen 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 07/364 停产,替换为18/244Chorionic Gonadotrophin, (5th International Standard) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 80/552 Luteinizing Hormone, Human, Pituitary ,Limit 1/year 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 81/565 Thyroid Stimulating Hormone, Human (TSH) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 65/093 Anti-Thyroglobulin Serum, Human 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC AFP Alpha-Fetoprotein 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 84/500 Prolactin, Human 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 96/670 Prostate Specific Antigen (90:10) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 96/668 Prostate Specific Antigen (free) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 99/650 Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin, Beta Subunit (Purified) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 94/572 Ferritin, Human, recombinant停产,替换为19/118 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 92/510 Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH), Human,Recombinant, For Immunoassay 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 88/502 granulocyte colony stimulating factor(Human.DNA.derived) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 88/786 Tumour Necrosis Factor alpha (Human Natural) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 67/086 Immunoglobulins G, A, M Serum Human 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 07/164 Anti-hepatitis B surface antigen(Anti-HBs) immunoglobulin (2nd International Standard) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 02/168 Prekallikrein Activator (PKA), Human 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC TE-3 Tetanus Immunoglobulin, Human 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 85/506 C-Reactive Protein, Human (CRP) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 02/254 Insulin-like growth Factor I (IGF) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 08/266 Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (2nd Int. Std) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 66/304 Insulin, Human 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 75/551 IRP Chorionic Gonadotrophin Beta Subunit,Human, For Immunoassay 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 75/569 Chorionic Gonadotrophin alpha subunit, Human (HCG alpha) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 79/500 Parathyroid Hormone, Human (PTH) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 84/510 C-Peptide of Human Insulin 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 84/611 Proinsulin, Human 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 88/638 Thyroxine-binding globulin 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 94/674 Thyroid Stimulating Hormone, Human recombinant 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 95/646 Parathyroid Hormone 1-84, human, recombinant 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 97/714 Prolactin, Human, Recombinant 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 98/580 Prolactin Human, recombinant, glycosylated 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 98/582 Prolactin, Human, recombinant, non-glycosylated 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 99/642 Chorionic Gonadotrophin, nicked, human 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 99/688 Chorionic Gonadotrophin, intact, Human 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 99/692 Chorionic Gonadotrophin, nicked beta subunit, Human 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 99/708 Chorionic Gonadotrophin, beta core fragment, Human 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 99/720 Chorionic Gonadotrophin, alpha subunit, Human (purified) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 00/588 Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg) subtype adw2, ge 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 90/636 HIV-1 P24 Antigen WHO International Standard 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 02/210 HIV (antibody), 1st International Reference Panel 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 03/262 Hepatitis B Surface Antigen subtype adw2, genotype A 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC W1066 Rheumatoid Arthritis serum. WHO Reference Reagent 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 73/545 Placental Lactogen, Human 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 64/002 Rheumatoid Arthritis Serum 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 07/328 6th International Standard for Unfractionated Heparin 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 06/202 HPV 16 DNA 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 06/206 Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Type 18 DNA (1st International Standard) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 05/112 Low Molecular Weight Heparin for Molecular Weight Calibration 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 94/728 Platelet-derived Growth Factor-BB (Human, rDNA derived) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 03/148 Keratinocyte growth factor (KGF, FGF-7)(24-163) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 04/200 Parathyroid hormone 1-34 Recombinant, Human 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 98/574 Somatropin WHO International Standard 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 97/550 Islet Cell Antibodies WHO Reference Reagent 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 99/674 HIV-2 (antibody) Monitor Sample (Minimum Quantity 5) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 99/750 HIV-1 (antibody) British Working Standard (Minimum Quantity 5) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 89/548 INTERLEUKIN-6 (IL-6, Human rDNA derived) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 05/162 Alpha-1-Antitrypsin, plasma derived 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 06/102 Hepatitis C Virus for Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 10/264 Hepatitis B Virus for Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 67/182 Anti-Rubella Serum, Human 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 01/600 Anti-Toxoplasma IgG, Human 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC RUBI-1-94 Anti-rubella Immunoglobulin, Human 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 97/646 Anti-Hepatitis A, Immunoglobulin,Human 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC W1044 Anti-Varicella zoster immunoglobulin 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 09/162 Human cytomegalovirus(HCMV)for nucleic acide Amplification Techniques 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 97/642 Bordetella pertussis anti serum (mouse) 1RR 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 07/316 Blood Coagulation Factor VIII and Von Willebrand Factor in Plasma 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 09/260 Epstein-Barr Virus (1st International Standard) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 10/286 Follicle Stimulating Hormone, Leutinizing Hormone human 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 01/580 Thrombin, human, 2nd International Standard 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 86/564 INTERLEUKIN-2 (Human rDNA derived) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 09/264 Fibrinogen Plasma (D)(3rd International Standard) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC RBT/05 Thromboplastin,rabbit,plain(pack of 5 ampoules) with diluent 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 73/515 Anti-D (Rho) Antibodies, Human 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 03/188 Anti-A minimum potency reference preparation 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 03/164 Anti-B minimum potency reference preparation 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 12/172 3rd HCV RNA Genotype Panel for Nucleic acid amplification 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 06/166 Antithrombin Concentrate, Human 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 00/500 Botulinum Antitoxin Human 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 75/502 Serum Immunoglobulin E (IgE) Human 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 84/685 Dog (Canis Familiaris) Hair Dander Extract 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 84/581 Short Ragweed Pollen Extract花粉提取物 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 08/204 Thyroid Stimulating Antibody 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 82/518 Dermatophagoides Pteronyssinus Extract屋尘螨 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 11/234 Immunoglobulin E(IgE) human serum (3rd International Standard) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 83/575 Follicle Stimulating Hormone, Pituitary 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 83/500 Insulin, Human 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 11/176 The 3rd International Standard for Low Molecular Weight Heparin) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 97/536 Plasmin,Human 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 81/535 Luteinizing Hormone, Human, Pituitary 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 68/356 RENIN, Human 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 89/620 Calcitonin, Human 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 12/226 HBsAg (HBV genotype B4, HBsAg subtypesayw1/adw2)(3rd International Standard) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 70/302 Angiotensin II (25μg) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 03/178 Vitamin B12, Serum Folate(International standard) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 10/262 1st International Standard for Diphtheria Antitoxin Human 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 08/256 C1-inhibifor 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC W1032 C1q 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC β2M β2-MG 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 08/282 recombinant human FSH (rhFSH) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 03/192 Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone, Recombinant, for Bioassay 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 97/662 Anti-Streptolylsin-O, Human, 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 08/318 Human Norovirus GI Working Reagent for Nucleic Acid Amplification 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 96/602 Luteinizing Hormone, Human, recombinant 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 96/784 Inhibin B, Human 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 11/170 Erythropoietin, recombinant, for Bioassay (3rd Internationa 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 10/152 HIV-1 RNA 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 08/150 HIV-2 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 12/224 HIV-1 NAT subtypes (Main) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 09/296 human Proinsulin 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 13/146 Human C-peptide 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 14/150 Hepatitis C virus (HCV) For nucleic acid amplification techniques 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 92/680 Serum amyloid A protein. WHO International Standard 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 04/176 Plasmodium falciparum DNA for NAT Assays(1st International Standard) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 80/505 Growth Hormone, Human, Pituitary. WHO International Standard 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 67/099 Immunoglobulins G, A & M Ser. Hum. 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 83/573 Prolactin, Human 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 10/266 4th WHO International Standard for HBV DNA for NAT 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 02/232 Tetanus?Toxoid?(Non-Adsorbed) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC RTF/16 Thromboplastin, Human, Recombinant Plain 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 05/132 Syphilitic pla. IgG and IgM (human)(1st International Standard) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 91/624 Inhibin A, Human, Recombinant 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 13/132 Ab, Hum, to Toxoplasma gondii (4th International Standar 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 08/158 Fragile X Syndrome Gdna (1st International Genetic Reference Panel 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 67/183 Primary Biliary Cirrhosis Ser., Human 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 95/584 Anti-hepatitis E Ser, Hum WHO Reference Reagent 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 16/354 ?A/Michigan/45/2015 wild type virus 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 16/248 NYMC X-275 reassortant derived from A/Michigan/45/2015 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 16/274 Influenza Virus Infectious X-275A 42010 E13 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 16/242 Influenza Virus Infectious NIB-98 42110 E7 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 16/288 Influenza Virus Infectious X-283A 42420 ExE1 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 16/270 Influenza Virus Infectious IVR-180 42400 E3/D7/E1 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 16/282 Influenza Virus Infectious X-285 42430 ExE1 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 16/290 Influenza Virus Infectious X-285A 42440 ExE1 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 16/208 Influenza Virus Infectious NIB-97 42090 E7 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 16/360 Influenza Virus Infectious NIB-96 41920 E7 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 15/192 Influenza Virus Infectious A/Hong Kong/4801/2014 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 15/158 Influenza Virus Infectious NYMC X-263 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 15/188 Influenza Virus Infectious NYMC X-263A 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 15/184 Influenza Virus Infectious NYMC X-263B 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 15/154 Influenza Virus Infectious NIB-93 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 15/196 Influenza Virus Infectious NYMC X-261 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 15/194 Influenza Virus Infectious NYMC X-257A 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 14/308 Influenza Virus Infectious IVR-178 40200 E7 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 14/322 Influenza Virus Infectious NIB-91 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 15/148 Influenza Virus Infectious NIB-92 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 16/268 Influenza Virus Infectious X-273 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 15/146 Influenza Virus Infectious B/Brisbane/60/2008 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 08/298 Influenza Virus Infectious B/Brisbane/33/2008 30720 E5 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 15/234 Influenza Virus Infectious B/Texas/2/2013 41340 E7 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 15/298 Influenza Virus Infectious B/Brisbane/46/2015 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 15/250 Influenza Virus Infectious NYMC BX-31 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 15/300 NYMC BX-35 reassortant derived from B/Brisbane/60/2008 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 16/200 Influenza Virus Infectious NIB-58 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 15/212 Influenza Virus Infectious NYMC BX-53C 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 14/312 B/Phuket/3073/2013 wild type virus 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 14/204 Influenza Virus Infectious B/Brisbane/9/2014 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 14/320 Influenza Virus Infectious B/Utah/9/2014 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 15/274 Influenza Virus Infectious NYMC BX-59A 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 15/294 Influenza virus infectious NYMC BX-59B 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 13/B629-05 QCRHBeQC1-Anti-HBe Quality Control Ser: sample1 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 83/511 Insulin, Bovine. WHO International Standard 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 83/515 Insulin, Porcine. WHO International Standard 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 16/194 HIV-1 RNA 4th International Standard 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 05/122 Syphilitic plasma IgG (human)(1st International Standard) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 69/194 Glucagon, Porcine (First International Standard) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 91/554 Insulin-like growth Factor 1 WHO International Standard 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 89/544 Renin, Human, rec DNA 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 96/688 Chorionic Gonadotrophin, intact, Human 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 74/555 Corticotrophin (ACTH), Human 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 08/258 Antithrombin,plasma(3rd International Standard) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 12/208 Parvovirus B19 (3rd International Standard) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 09/110 Parvovirus B19 DNA Nucleic Acid Amplification Technology(NAT) based assays Genotype Panel(1st International Standard) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 00/562 Hepatitis A Virus for Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques(2nd In 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 14/198 HBV,HCV,HIV Multiplex 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 00/530 Influenza Virus infectious B/Sichuan/379/99 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 00/544 Influenza Virus infectious B/Victoria/504/00 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 00/614 Influenza virus infectious B/Guangdong/120/2000 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 01/612 Influenza Virus infectious B/Hawaii/10/01 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 02/262 Influenza Virus infectious B/Brisbane/32/2002 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 05/138 Influenza Virus infectious B/Shanghai/361/2002 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 07/132 Influenza Virus infectious B/Malaysia/2506/2004 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 07/268 Influenza Virus Infectious B/Brisbane/3/2007 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 08/138 Influenza Virus Infectious B/Florida/4/2006 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 11/232 Influenza Virus Infectious B/Texas/6/2011 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 12/198 Influenza virus infectious B/Wisconsin/1/2010 34490 E5 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 12/290 Influenza Virus Infectious B/Brisbane/36/2012 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 14/118 Influenza virus infectious B/Massachusetts/2/2012 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 17/164 Influenza Virus Infectious B/Maryland/15/2016 42800 E5 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 17/248 Influenza Virus Infectious B/Phuket/3073/2013 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 17/254 Influenza Virus Infectious B/Colorado/6/2017 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 93/692 Influenza Virus infectious B/Panama/45/90 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 97/726 Influenza Virus infectious B/Harbin/7/94 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 03/198 Influenza Virus infectious A/Kumamoto/102/02 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 04/170 Influenza Virus infectious A/Wellington/1/2004 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 05/110 Influenza Virus infectious A/California/7/2004 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 11/106 Influenza Virus infectious A/Perth/16/2009 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 11/226 Influenza Virus Infectious A/Victoria/361/2011 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 12/122 Influenza virus infectious A/turkey/Italy/3889/1999 (H7N1) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 12/298 Influenza Virus Infectious A/Texas/50/2012 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 14/226 Influenza Virus Infectious A/South Australia/55/2014 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 14/228 Influenza Virus Infectious A/Stockholm/6/2014 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 15/252 Influenza Virus Infectious A/California/7/2009 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 16/108 Influenza Virus Infectious A/PR/8/34 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 17/196 Influenza Virus Infectious A/Singapore/INFIMH-16-0019/2016 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 92/734 Influenza Virus infectious A/Beijing/32/92 (H3N2) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 92/738 Influenza Virus infectious A/Shanghai/24/90 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 93/568 Influenza Virus infectious A/Beijing/359/89 (H3N2) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 93/572 Influenza Virus infectious A/Guizhou/54/89 (H3N2) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 93/686 Influenza Virus infectious A/Shangdong/9/93 (H3N2) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 93/816 Influenza Virus infectious A/Harbin/15/92 (H3N2) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 96/830 Influenza Virus infectious A/Bayern/7/95 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 96/848 Influenza Virus infectious A/Shenzhen/227/95 (H1N1) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 97/722 Influenza Virus infectious A/duck/Sing-Q/119/97 (H5N3) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 98/610 Influenza Virus infectious ARIV-1 (H5N3) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 98/778 Influenza Virus infectious A/Sichuan/346/98 (H3N2) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 91/626 Activin A, Human, Recombinant. WHO Reference Reagent 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 15/174 Lupus (oligo-specific) anti-dsDNA antibodies 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 16/B695 QCRTOXOIgMQC1 IgM Anti-Toxoplasma gondii QC1 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 17/B710 QCRTOXOQC1 - Anti-Toxoplasma gondii Quality Control Reagent Sample 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 16/B693 QCRCMVIgMQC1 IgM Anti-CMV QC1 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 14/240 British Working Standard for Anti-HCV 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 09/138 Genetic Reference Panel, for the quantitation of BCR-ABL 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 16/120 WHO 1st International Reference Panel for Genomic JAK2 V617F 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 93/560 Insulin-like growth Factor Binding Protein-3 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 01/602 Anti-Parvovirus B19, plasma, human(2nd International Standard) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 15/B678 QCRPARVB19QC1 Anti-Parvovirus B19QC1 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 16/B683 QCRPARVB19IgMQC1 - IgM Anti-Parvovirus B19 Quality Control Reagent 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 90/530 Interleukin-7 (Human, rDNA derived) WHO Reference Reagent 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 95/554 Interleukin-15 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 03/150 Keratinocyte Growth Factor (KGF,FGF-7) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 86/536 Angiotensin I Human Type Synthetic 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 86/538 Angiotensin II (2.5μg) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 59/016 Corticotrophin (ACTH), Porcine, For Bioassay 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 80/590 Tetracosactide. International Ref. Preparation 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC YF Shipping fee 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 11/244 Influenza Virus Infectiious NYMC BX-49 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 09/130 Influenza Virus Infectious NIBRG-122 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 12/202 Influenza virus infectious NYMC BX-39 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 09/274 Influenza Virus Infectious NYMC X-185 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 06/164 Influenza Virus infectious 1 VR-142 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 17/156 Influenza Virus Infectious CNIC-1701 42910 E9 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 19/148 Influenza Virus Infectious CNIC-1902 44320 E10 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 19/146 Influenza Virus Infectious CNIC-1903 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 97/692 Influenza Virus infectious IVR-108 (H3N2) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 06/108 Influenza Virus infectious IVR-116 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 04/172 Influenza Virus infectious IVR-139 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 07/144 Influenza Virus infectious IVR-145, 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 08/300 Influenza Virus Infectious IVR-148 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 07/362 Influenza Virus infectious IVR-149 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 09/236 Influenza Virus Infectious IVR-153 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 09/304 Influenza Virus Infectious IVR-155 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 10/226 Influenza Virus Infectious IVR-158 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 12/204 Influenza Virus infectious IVR-165 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 17/210 Influenza Virus Infectious IVR-186 43310 E8 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 18/226 Influenza Virus Infectious IVR-190 44250 E12 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 19/106 Influenza Virus Infectious IVR-195 44300 E9 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 19/174 Influenza Virus Infectious IVR-197 (H3N2) 44850 E14 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 19/192 Influenza Virus Infectious IVR-202 (H3N2) 44880 E10 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 17/184 Influenza Virus Infectious NIB-103 42610 E7 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 17/194 Influenza Virus Infectious NIB-104 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 19/112 Influenza Virus Infectious NIB-110 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 18/166 Influenza Virus Infectious NIB-112 43990 E6 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 18/234 Influenza Virus Infectious NIB116-B 44230 E5 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 90/784 Influenza Virus infectious NIB-26 (H3N2) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 91/670 Influenza Virus infectious NIB-27 (H1N1) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 94/766 Influenza Virus infectious NIB-34 (H3N2) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 98/600 Influenza Virus infectious NIB-40 (H5N3) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 07/358 Influenza Virus infectious NIB-50 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 09/280 Influenza Virus Infectious NIB-64 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 13/200 Influenza Virus Infectious NIB-74 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 14/314 Influenza Virus Infectious NIB-88 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 11/130 Influenza Virus Infectious NIBRG-14 (H5N1) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 14/246 Influenza Virus Infectious NIBRG-301 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 18/134 Influenza Virus Infectious NIBRG-301 (H5N1) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 15/160 Influenza Virus Infectious NIBRG-306 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 13/176 Influenza Virus Infectious NIBRG-88 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 17/126 Influenza Virus Infectious NYMC BX-63A 42780 E10/E1 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 17/252 Influenza Virus Infectious NYMC BX-69 43220 E13 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 17/256 Influenza Virus Infectious NYMC BX-69A 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 04/160 Influenza Virus infectious NYMC X-147 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 06/242 Influenza Virus Infectious NYMC X-161B (A/Wisconsin/67/2005 HGR) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 07/348 Influenza Virus infectious NYMC X-171B 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 08/304 Influenza virus infectious NYMC X-175C 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 14/116 Influenza virus infectious NYMC X-179A 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 12/100 Influenza Virus Infectious NYMC X-217 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 13/252 Influenza virus infectious NYMC X-223A 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 13/258 Influenza virus infectious NYMC X-233A 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 14/306 Influenza Virus Infectious NYMC X-243 40180 E13 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 14/206 Influenza virus infectious NYMC X-247 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 18/194 Influenza Virus Infectious NYMC X-275 (Influenza Reagent) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 16/362 Influenza Virus Infectious NYMC X-291 42530 E8 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 16/366 Influenza Virus Infectious NYMC X-291A 42540 E8 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 17/162 Influenza Virus Infectious NYMC X-299 42920 E10 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 18/140 Influenza Virus Infectious NYMC X-307 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 18/138 Influenza Virus Infectious NYMC X-307A 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 18/160 Influenza Virus Infectious NYMC X-311 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 18/240 Influenza Virus Infectious NYMC X-327 44280 E17 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 99/824 Influenza Virus infectious RESVIR 16 (H3N2) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 98/544 Influenza Virus infectious RESVIR-13 (H3N2) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 98/762 Influenza Virus infectious Resvir-14 (H3N2) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 94/762 Influenza Virus infectious RESVIR-8 (H3N2) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 96/836 Influenza Virus infectious RESVIR-9 (H3N2) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 19/206 Influenza Virus Infectious X-181 45030 E8 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 19/120 Influenza Virus Infectious X-327 A 44310 E18 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 14/224 Influenza virus infectious. A/Switzerland/9715293/2013 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 14/106 Influenza virus infectious. NYMC BX-51B 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 13/256 Influenza virus infectious. NYMC x-233 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 13/248 Influenza virus infectious NIBRG-267 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 13/250 Influenza Virus Infectious NIBRG-268 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 13/128 Influenza Virus Infectious NIBRG-269 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 17/136 Influenza Virus Infectious NIBRG-375 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 08/250 Influenza Virus Infectious NIBRG-63 VE2 30500 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 05/102 Influenza Virus infectious NYMC BX-7 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 13/116 Influenza Antigen A/Texas/50/2012 (NYMC X-223A) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 82/587 Interferon Gamma Human, Leukocyte 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 15/B673 QCRSYPHQC1-Anti-Syphilis Quality Control Serum: Sample 1 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 17/B713 QCRSYPHQC2-Anti-Syphilis Quality Control Serum: sample 2 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 14/242 Anti-HCV (1 in 8 dilution)(British Working Standard) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 15/B669 QCRHCVQC1-Anti-HCV Quality Control Serum: Sample1 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 86/632 Interleukin-1 alpha (Human rDNA derived) WHO International Standard 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 86/680 Interleukin-1 beta rec DNA HUMAN TYPE 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 91/510 Interleukin-3 (Human, rDNA derived) WHO International Standard 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 88/656 Interleukin-4 (Human, rDNA derived) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 89/520 Interleukin-8 (Human, rDNA derived) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 16/284 Antiserum to Respiratory Syncytial Virus WHO 1st International Standard 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC W1063 Anti nuclear ribonucleoprotein(nRNP) autoantibody WHO Reference Reagent 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC W1064 Anti-Nuclear factor serum,homogenous(66/233) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 16/324 Human Adenovirus DNA for nucleic acid amplification techniques (1st WHO international Standard). 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 19/312 Influenza Antigen A/Guangdong-Maonan/SWL1536/2019 (CNIC-1909) (H1N1) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 19/310 Influenza Antigen A/Hong Kong/2671/2019 (IVR-208) (H3N2) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 19/238 Influenza Antigen B/Washington/02/2019 9B Victoria Lineage) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 16/158 Influenza Antigen B/Phuket/3073/2013 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 20/108 Influenza Antigen A/HongKong/2671/2019 (NIB-121)(H3N2) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 91/688 Rubella Vaccine (Live) 1st International Reference Reagent 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 16/190 Mullerian Inhibiting Substance/Anti-Mullerian Hormone, human, recombinant (WHO reference Reagent) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 19/240 British Working Standard for Anti-HCV 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 15/276 Hepatitis A Virus (3rd International Standard) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 07/288 Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg) British Working Standard 0.2 IU/ml 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 74/586 Corticotrophin (ACTH), Porcine (International Working Standard) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 10/104 Reteplase Reference Material 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 98/708 Haemiglobincyanide WHO International Standard 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 14/B655-02 QCRVZVQC1-Anti VZV: Quality Control Serum: Sample 1 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 02/230 Biotinylated Brad-5 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC CS644-IS-A Candidate Plasmodium vivax antigen International Standard A (Lyophilised) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC CS644-IS-B Candidate Plasmodium vivax antigen International Standard B (Lyophilised) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC CS644-CI-A Plasmodium vivax clinical isolate A (liquid) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC CS644-CI-B Plasmodium vivax clinical isolate B (liquid) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC CS644-CI-C Plasmodium vivax clinical isolate C (liquid) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC CS644-Pv-pLDH Recombinant Plasmodium vivax parasite lactate dehydrogenase (liquid) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 99/710 Anti-HIV 1 (1 in 5 BWS) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 16/210 HIV-1 P24 Antigen 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 93/730 Interleukin-6 (Mouse, rDNA derived) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 09/242 Fibrinogen Concentrate (B)(2nd International Standard) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 92/512 Follicle Stimulating Hormone, (FSH, Urofollitropin), Urinary,Human For Bioassay 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 16/296 Human Immunodeficiency Virus type 2 RNA (HIV-2) for Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques (2nd International Standard) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 95/528 Folate, Whole Blood Haemolysate WHO International Standard 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 70/601 Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA), Human (1st International Reference Preparation) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 02/342 Protein C Plasma, Human(2nd International Standard) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 03/228 Protein S, Plasma, Human(2nd International Standard) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 99/526 Anti-PT S23 subunit Monoclonal Antibody (11E6) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 97/564 Bordetella pertussis anti FHA serum (sheep) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 99/572 Anti-Filamentous Haemagglutinin Monoclonal Antibody (2E9) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 97/558 Bordetella pertussis anti 69kD serum (sheep) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 99/506 Anti-PT S1 subunit Monoclonal Antibody (1B7) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 97/572 Bordetella pertussis PT anti serum (sheep) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 17/B723 QCRHEVQC1 - Anti-Hepatitis E Quality Cotrol Sample 1 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 17/B728 QCRHEVIgMQC1 - IgM Anti-Hepatitis E Quality Control Sample 1 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 02/286 Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor 165 (VEGF165)(recDNA, human sequence)(International Reference Reagent) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 17/102 Prostate Specific Antigen (human) (Free) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 96/850 Influenza Virus infectious NIB-39 (H1N1) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 00/552 Influenza Antigen A/duck/Singapore/97 (H5N3) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 07/290 Influenza Antigen A/Anhui/1/05 (H5N1) IBCDC-RG-6 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 08/208 Influenza Antigen Hong Kong/1073/99 (H9N2) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 09/184 Influenza Antigen A/Vietnam/1194/2004 (H5N1) NIBRG-14 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 87/714 Influenza Antigen A/Sichuan/2/87 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 17/100 Prostate Specific Antigen (human)(total: PSA-ACT + free PSA) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 12/154 Tumour Necrosis Factor alpha(TNF-α) (human rDNA derived) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 16/238 Influenza Antigen A/Anhui/1/2013 (NIBRG-268) (H7N9) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 08/216 Influenza Antigen A/Cambodia/RO405050/2007 (H5N1) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC ASO Anti-Streptolysin o, Human, 46mg (lyophilised) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 16/376 Plasmodium falciparum antigens (1st International Standard) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 07/336 Influenza Antigen A/mallard/Netherlands/12/00(H7N3) NIBRG-60 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 89/666 Haemoglobin A2 Lysate, Raised. WHO Reference Reagent 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 85/616 Haemoglobin F Lysate, Raised. WHO Reference Reagent 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 03/104 HTLV-1 (antibody) Monitor Sample 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 14/230 Influenza Virus Infectious. A/Norway/466/2014 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 13/228 Influenza Virus Infectious. A/Almaty/2958/2013. 35790 E4 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 18/236 Influenza Virus Infectious A/Brisbane/02/2018 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 18/242 Influenza Virus Infectious A/Kansas/14/2017 43880 E8 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 18/168 Influenza Virus Infectious A/Switzerland/8060/2017 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 18/174 Influenza Virus Infectious A/Brisbane/1/2018 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 17/264 Influenza Virus Infectious A/Michigan/45/2015 43470 E5 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 17/258 Influenza Virus Infectious B/Alabama/2/2017 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 19/170 Influenza virus infectious B/Washington/02/2019 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 18/230 Influenza Virus Infectious B/Colorado/06/2017 43460 E7 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 19/176 Influenza Virus Infectious B/Victoria/705/2018 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 19/194 Influenza Virus Infectious B/Brisbane/35/2018 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 19/172 Influenza Virus Infectious BVR-11 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 19/196 Influenza Virus Infectious B/Phuket/3073/2013 44860 E7 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 19/228 Influenza virus infectious A/SouthAustralia/34/2019 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 19/230 Influenza Virus Infectious A/Christchurch/516/2019 H3N2 45010 E4 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 01/426 Meningococcal group Y polysaccharide 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 01/428 Meningococcal serogroup W polysaccharide 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 07/318 Meningococcal Group C Polysaccharide 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 13/262 Meningococcal serogroup A polysaccharide 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 18/184 Hepatitis C virus RNA for nucleic acid amplification techniques (6th WHO International Standard) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 15/180 Blood Coagulation Factor XI, Coagulation Factor XII. 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 16/374 Blood Coagulation Factor V, Plasma, Human. 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 09/172 Blood coagulation Factors II, VII, IX, X Plasma 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 84/514 Proinsulin, Bovine. International Ref. Preparation 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 11/212 2nd International Standard for insulin, human 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC PPDT Purified Protein Derivative (PPD) of M. Tuberculosis Tuberculin WHO International Standard 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 14/290 4th HCV RNA Genotype Panel for Nucleic Acid Amplification 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 19/292 Influenza Virus Infectious A/HongKong/2671/2019 (H3N2) 45040 E7/E1 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 93/722 Interleukin-10 (Human rDNA derived) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 10/198 Anti-malaria (Plasmodium falciparum) human serum(1st WHO Reference Reagent) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC SMV Smallpox vaccine WHO International Standard 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 14/256 Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Type 6 DNA (1st International) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 14/100 Human Papillomavirus (HPV) 11 DNA (1st International) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 19/224 Collection of WHO International Standards for Human Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA genotypes HPV16, HPV18, HPV6, 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 19/226 Collection of WHO International Standards for Human Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA genotypes HPV16, HPV18, HPV6, 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 09/182 VWF Factor Concentrate (2nd International Standard) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 02/206 Factor XIII Plasma, Human (1st International Standard) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 13/172 Lupus Anticoagulant (1st International Reference Panel) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 20/B770 Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Verification Panel for Serology Assays 参考物质 Human 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 13/214 HIV-1 Circulating Recombinant Forms RNA (1st International Reference Panel) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 09/136 Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor (Human, rDNA Derived)(2nd International Standard) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 20/136 First WHO International Standard Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Immunoglobulin (Human) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 20/162 NIBSC Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Antibody Diagnostic Calibrant 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 07/296 Influenza Virus (A/Christchurch/1/2003, H1N1) for Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 07/298 Influenza Virus (A/Wyoming/3/2003, H3N2) for Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 09/272 Placental growth factor Ala 21 - Arg 149, human, rDNA-derived (PlGF, PlGF-1)Non WHO Reference Material 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 96/564 Hepatocyte Growth Factor/Scatter Factor (Human, rDNA derived) WHO Reference Reagent 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 14/258 Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Type 31 DNA (1st International Standard) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 14/260 Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Type 33 DNA (1st International Standard) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 14/104 Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Type 45 DNA (1st International Standard) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 14/262 Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Type 52 DNA (1st International Standard) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 14/264 Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Type 58 DNA (1st International Standard) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 04/166 TNF-related Apoptosis-Inducing Ligand (trail), Human, rDNA-derived(1st WHO Reference Reagent) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC RBT/16 Thromboplastin, Rabbit, Plain 5th International Standard 2016. 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 20/310 Influenza Virus Infectious A/Cambodia/E0826360/2020 (H3N2) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 20/268 1st International Reference Panel for Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Immunoglobulin 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 97/650 WHO International Standard HIV-1 RNA 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 94/786 Interferon alpha Concensus Sequence (Human rDNA derived) WHO International Standard 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 20/B762 Anti-HIV Quality Control Serum sample 2 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 17/B725 QCRTHAVQC1-Total Anti-HAV Quality Control Serum: Sample1 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 13/B634 QCRHAVIgMQC2 IgM Anti-HAV Quality Control Serum 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 19/B747 QCRHIV2QC4 - Anti HIV2 Quality Control Serum Sample 4 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 13/240 Tetanus Immunoglobulin, Human (2nd WHO International Standard) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 92/794 Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein-1 (Human,rDNA derived) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 99/836 Anti-D Minimum Potency Standard for blood grouping reagents WHO International Standard 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 15/262 1st International Standard for Ebola virus (EBOV) antibodies Sierra Leone Convalescent Plasma Pool 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 77/664 Glycyphagus destructor Extract 参考物质 -20° C 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 78/575 Aspergillus Fumigatus Extract 参考物质 -20° C 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 19/260 Anti-thyroid peroxidase antibodies (1st WHO International Standard) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 19/242 British Working Standard for Anti HCV 1 in 8 Dilution European Certification 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 19/118 Ferritin (Human, Recombinant),WHO International Standard 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 18/B731 Anti CMV QC1 QCRCMVQC1 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 10/B596 QCRHSV1QC1-Anti-HSV1 Quality Control Serum: Sample1 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 13/B642 QCRHSV2QC1-Anti-HSV2 Quality Control Serum: Sample 1 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 16/104 Norovirus GII Working reagent for Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 20/B774 QCRPARVB19IgMQC1 - IgM Anti-Parvovirus B19 Quality Control Reagent 1 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 03/152 Anti-HPA-1a (International Standard) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 22/100 Influenza Antigen A/Victoria/2570/2019 (IVR-215) (H1N1) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 12/188 Pegylated Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor (Human, rDNA derived) (1st International Standard) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 92/644 Interleukin-1 Receptor Antagonist (IL-1ra) (Human, rDNA derived) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 03/190 Anti-HPA-3a(minimum potency)(WHO Reference Reagent) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 89/514 Transforming Growth Factor beta-1 (Human, rDNA derived) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 18/220 Anti-HPA 15b minimum potency reagent (WHO Reference Reagent) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 91/656 Interleukin-4 (Mouse, rDNA derived) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 18/238 Influenza Antigen A/Brisbane/02/2018 (IVR-190) (H1N1) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 99/666 Anti-HPA-5b (Minimum Potency) WHO Reference Reagent 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 11/216 Chagas Antibody Reference Panel ( 1st International Standard) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 20/152 WHO International Standard 1st IS for Mycobacterium tuberculosis (H37Rv) DNA for NATbased assays 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 12/B612 QCRRUBIgMQC1-Anti-Rubella IgM Quality Control Serum: Sample 1 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 22/B891 QCRTOXOIgMQC1 IgM Anti-Toxoplasma QC1 22/B891 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 20/186 RSV A Panel 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 20/188 RSV B Panel 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 14/140 1st International Standard for Anti EV71 Serum Human 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 14/B653 QCRHIV2QC3- Anti HIV2: Quality Control Serum: Sample 3 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 20/184 Influenza B Panel 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 20/180 Influenza A (H1N1) Panel 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 20/182 Influenza A (H3N2) Panel 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 21/338 Working Standard for anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 83/514 Interferon alpha-1D, (Human rDNA derived) WHO International Standard 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 05/134 Anti-human papillomavirus type 16 serum (1st International Standard) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 10/140 Anti-human papillomavirus[HPV] 18 serum (1st International Standard) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 21/B889 QCRHCVQC1-Anti-HCV Quality Control Serum: Sample1 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 90/690 Anti-Varicella-Zoster Antibody 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 21/368 SARS-Cov-2 Antigen 1st WHO International Standard 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 15/266 HHV-6 Virus 1st WHO International Standard 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 16/368 HSV-1 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 17/122 HSV-2 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 21/340 Second WHO International Standard for anti-SARS-CoV-2 immunoglobulin. 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 75/595 Blood Coagulation Factor Xa, Bovine 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 21/316 Influenza Antigen B/Austria/1359417/2021 (BVR-26) (B Victoria Lineage) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 21/318 Influenza Antigen A/Darwin/9/2021 (IVR-228) (H3N2) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 20/322 Influenza Virus Infectious A/Singapore/INFIMH-16-0019/2016 (H3N2) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 19/212 Influenza Antigen A/South Australia/34/2019 (IVR-197) (H3N2) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 16/118 Influenza Antigen B/Brisbane/60/2008 (NYMC BX-35) (Egg Derived) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 17/154 Influenza Antigen A/Michigan/45/2015 (NYMC X-275) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 21/308 Interleukin-6(Human, Recombinant) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 22/200 Influenza Virus Infectious A/Sydney/5/2021 (H1N1) 22/200 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 21/238 Influenza Virus Infectious A/Guangdong-Maonan/SWL/1536/2019 (H1N1) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 101044 SARS-CoV-2 Omicron (lineage B.1.1.529) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 07/270 BCG Vaccine of Danish 1331 sub-strain (1st WHO Reference Reagent) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 12/176 Methylated Human Serum Albumin (mHSA) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 21/136 Influenza Antigen B/Phuket/3073/2013 (B Yamagata lineage) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 19/322 Influenza anti-B/Phuket/3073/2013-like (B Yamagata Lineage) HA serum (Sheep 743, 744, 745, 746, 747, 748) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 19/318 Influenza anti-B/Washington/02/2019-like (B Victoria lineage) HA Serum (Sheep 737, 738, 739, 740, 741, 742) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 21/326 Influenza Anti-B/Austria/1359417/2021 Like (B Victoria Lineage) HA Serum 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 07/202 Recombinant soluble transferrin receptor (rsTfR)(1st WHO Reference Reagent) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 20/138 Working Reagent for SARS-CoV-2 RNA 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 22/B895 QCRHIV2QC2-Anti HIV2: Quality Control Serum: Sample2 参考物质 -20°C 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 19/300 First WHO International Standard for anti-human papillomavirus type 58 serum 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 20/174 First WHO International Standard for anti-human papillomavirus type 11 serum 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 20/178 First WHO International Standard for anti-human papillomavirus type 45 serum 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 19/296 First WHO International Standard for anti-human papillomavirus type 52 serum 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 20/176 First WHO International Standard for anti-human papillomavirus type 31 serum 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 19/298 First WHO International Standard for anti-human papillomavirus type 6 serum 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 19/290 First WHO International Standard for anti-human papillomavirus type 33 serum 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 07/150 Human plasma Anti-lnfuenza H5N1 (1st lnternational Standard) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 09/222 Human anti-Haemophilus influenzae b reference ser 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 97/648 Anti-Measles ser (3rd International Standard) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 88/532 Tumour Necrosis Factor alpha (Mouse, rDNA derived) 88/532 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 15/B664 QCRMUMPSQC1 - Anti-Mumps Quality Control Reagent Sample 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 96/538 Insulin-like growth Factor-II (Human rDNA derived) WHO Reference Reagent 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 16/B687 QCRHIV1RTDQC1- Anti-HIV1 Quality Control Serum: Sample 1 for Rapid Test Devices 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 85/522 Thyroid Stimulating Hormone beta subunit 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 20/218 description Follicle Stimulating Hormone (3rd International Standard) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 22/222 Influenza Antigen A/Sydney/175/2022 (IVR-235) (H1N1) 参考物质 -20°C 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 20/132 Influenza Antigen A/HongKong/2671/2019 (IVR-208) (H3N2) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 13/164 Influenza Antigen A/California/7/2009 (H1N1pdm)(NYMC X-179A) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 21/320 Influenza Antigen A/Darwin/9/2021 (SAN-010) (H3N2) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 11/134 Influenza Antigen A/California/7/2009 (H1N1) Like (A/Brisbane/10/2010- cell derived) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 19/308 Influenza Antigen B/Singapore/INFTT-16-0610/2016 (B Yamagata lineage) (cell derived) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 07/112 Influenza Antigen A/turkey/Turkey/1/2005 (H5N1) NIBRG-23 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 04/202 Influenza Antigen B/ Jiangsu/10/2003 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 14/146 Influenza Antigen B/Brisbane/60/2008 (NYMCBX-35)(Cell Derived) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 19/210 Influenza Antigen B/Darwin/7/2019 (B Victoria Lineage) (Cell Derived) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 19/246 1st International Standard for human vascular endothelial growth factor-165 (VEGF165) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 64/003 Rheumatoid Arthritis Serum 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 95/656 Interferon alpha 2b (Human rDNA derived)(3rd International Standard)Interferon alpha 2b (Human rDNA derived)(3rd International Standard) 95/656 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 22/316 Influenza Virus Infectious A/Victoria/4897/2022 (H1N1) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 21/B882 QCRHSV1QC1-Anti-HSV1 Quality Control Serum: Sample1 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 20/B767 QCRSYPHQC1-Anti-Syphilis Quality Control Serum: Sample 1 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 21/214 Influenza Virus Infectious A/Darwin/9/2021 (H3N2) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 21/224 Influenza Virus Infectious B/Austria/1359417/2021 (B/Victoria Lineage) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 21/132 Influenza Virus Infectious B/Phuket/3073/2013 (B-Yamagata lineage) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 21/212 Influenza Virus Infectious A/Darwin/6/2021 (H3N2) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 23/120 Influenza Virus Infectious A/Wisconsin/67/2022 (H1N1) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 12/252 ADAMTS 13 Plasma (1st International Standard) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 22/228 Influenza Anti-B/Austria/1359417/2021-like (B Victoria lineage) HA Serum 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 14/212 BK Virus (BKV)(1st International Standard) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 14/114 JC Virus (JCV) DNA (1st International Standard) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 09/234 Transforming Growth Factor-BETA 3 (Human, rDNA derived TGF-? 3) (1st International Standard) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 22/216 Alpha-Fetoprotein, Human 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 18/248 Von Willebrand Factor Concentrate (WHO 3rd International Standard) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 21/266 1st International Standard 2022 Anti-β2GPI IgG 200 IU/Vial 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 16/170 1st International Standard for Infliximab 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 22/252 2nd WHO International Standard for SARS-CoV-2 RNA 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 21/348 Influenza Virus Infectious B/Utah/9/2014 (B-Yamagata lineage) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 22/154 Influenza Virus Infectious B/Connecticut/01/2021 (B-Victoria Lineage) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 22/234 Influenza Virus Infectious IVR-235 (A/Sydney/175/2022 (H1N1) 22/234 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 21/298 Influenza Virus Infectious A/Michigan/173/2020 (H3N2) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 21/388 Influenza Virus Infectious B/Guangdong-Zhenjiang/1516/2021 (B-Victoria Lineage) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 22/158 Influenza Virus Infectious A/Netherlands/00007/2021 (H3N2) NYMC X-377 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 22/312 Influenza Virus Infectious A/Norway/31694/2022 (H1N1) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 22/178 Influenza Virus Infectious A/Darwin/22/2021 (H3N2) NIB -130 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 21/186 Influenza Virus Infectious A/Tasmania/503/2020 (H3N2) 21/186 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 23/126 Influenza Virus Infectious NIB-134 (A/Catalonia/NSVH161512065/2022 (H1N1) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 23/122 Influenza Virus Infectious A/West Virginia/30/2022 (H1N1) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 21/346 Influenza Virus Infectious A/Victoria/2570/2019 (H1N1) 21/346 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 22/320 Influenza Antigen A/Victoria/4897/2022 (IVR-238) (H1N1) 22/320 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 21/344 Follicle Stimulating Hormone and Luteinising hormone, human, urinary (6th WHO International Standard) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 87/586 HUMAN Interferon Gamma 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 95/574 Interferon Alpha n3 Human(leukocyte-derived) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 08/184 Influenza Antigen B/Malaysia/2506/2004 08/184 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 22/272 1st Infliximab Antibody Reference Panel 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 19/116 1st WHO Plasmodium Vivax Antigen (LDH) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 12/114 Influenza Antigen A/Victoria/361/2011 (H3N2) (IVR-165) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 21/158 Influenza Virus Infectious BX-93B (B-Victoria Lineage) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 22/220 Influenza Antigen A/Sydney/5/2021 (SAN-013) (H1N1) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 21/240 Influenza Virus Infectious CNIC-1909 (H1N1) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 21/124 Influenza Virus Infectious B/HongKong/574/2019 (B-Victoria lineage) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 14/274 Influenza Antigen B/Brisbane/9/2014 (Egg Derived) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 21/242 Influenza Virus Infectious B/Singapore/WUH4618/2021 (B-Victoria Lineage) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 21/244 Influenza Virus Infectious B/Michigan/1/2021 (B/Victoria Lineage) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC QCRHEVIGMQC1 QCRHEVIgMQC1-lgM Anti-Hepatitis E Quality Control Sample 1 (17/B728) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 16/352 1st International Standard for anti-Asian lineage Zika virus antibody (human) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 16/320 Working reagent for anti-Zika virus antibody 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 81/615 Thyroid Stimulating Hormone, Human, Pituitary (4th WHO International Standard) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 18/206 West Nile Virus - International Standard 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 19/244 Third WHO International Standard for Anti-Rabies Immunoglobulin 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 83/505 Platelet Factor 4 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 22/230 1st WHO International Standard for HIV-1 p24 Antigen 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 94/532 Pertussis Vaccine (Whole Cell) WHO International Standard 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 99/616 Yellow Fever Vaccine. WHO International Standard 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 08/108 Influenza Virus Infectious NIBRG-91 (H9N2) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 20/214 Influenza Virus Infectious IVR-216 (H1N1) 45630 E4/D6/E1 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 99/714 Influenza Antigen A/Singapore/1/57 (H2N2) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 84/522 Birch Pollen Extract. WHO International Standard 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 19/258 Influenza Virus Infectious CNIC-1906 44910 E3+3/E9/E1 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 06/140 Pertussis Antiserum(human)1st IS-WHO international Standard 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 20/164 Influenza Virus Infectious BX-87C (B/VIC) 45460 E3/E10/E1 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 99/828 Influenza Antigen B/Yamanashi/166/98 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 94/622 Interleukin-13 (Human, rDNA derived) WHO Reference Reagent 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 78/556 Luteinizing Hormone, Pituitary, beta subunit (International standard) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 17/236 1st International Standard for Adalimumab 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 20/220 Influenza Virus Infectious IVR-217 (H1N1) 45640 E4/D6/E1 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 22/120 5th WHO International Standard, Hepatitis B Virus DNA for NAT 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 03/200 Interleukin - 18 (Human rDNA derived)(WHO Reference Reagent) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 90/712 Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor (Human, rDNA derived) WHO International Standard 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 15/220 Anti-EBOV , human (WHO Reference Reagent) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 16/236 HIV-2 p26 Antigen (VLP)-HIV-2 A7312 (1st WHO Reference Reagent) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 78/554 Luteinizing Hormone, Pituitary, alpha subunit (International Standard) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 97/594 Leptin, Human, Recombinant WHO International Standard 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 08/268 Influenza Antigen A/mallard/England/727/2006 (H2N3)NIBRG-107 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 16/344 WHO Anti-EBOV Convalescent (International Reference Panel) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 20/104 Influenza Virus Infectious IVR-208 (H3N2) 45330 E7/E10/E1 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 19/294 Influenza Virus Infectious A/Guandong-Maonan/SWL1536/2019 (H1N1) 44760 E3/E1 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 20/106 Influenza Virus Infectious A/Victoria/2454/2019 (H1N1) 45360 E4/E1 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 97/614 Influenza anti A/Equine/Newmarket/2/93 (H3N8) HA Serum (SH-376) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 07/204 Influenza Virus Infectious NIBRG-60 VE2 25820 (H7N3) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 19/166 Insulin-like Growth Factor I, for Immunoassay (2nd WHO international Standard) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 20/134 Influenza Virus Infectious BX-57 45430 E4/E10/E1 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 18/196 Influenza Antigen A/Guangdong/17SF003/2016. NIBRG-375 (H7N9) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 88/646 Granulocyte Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor (Human, rDNA derived) WHO International Standard 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 19/256 Influenza Virus Infectious BX-85C 45230 E13 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 20/102 Influenza Virus Infectious IVR-207 (H1N1) 45370 E4/E6/E1 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 82/520 Timothy Pollen Extract. WHO International Standard 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 20/216 Influenza virus Infectious A/Victoria/2570/2019 (H1N1) 45380 E5 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 05/106 Anti-HPA-1a minimum potency reagent(2nd WHO Reference reagent) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 19/276 Influenza Virus Infectious NIB-121 (H3N2) 45180 E7/E1/E5 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 17/232 Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha (human rDNA derived) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 94/784 INTERFERON ALPHA, (Human leukocyte-derived) 参考物质 Human 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 18/244 Chorionic Gonadotrophin, human 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 20/146 First WHO International Standard for SARS-CoV-2 RNA 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 91/530 Epidermal Growth Factor (Human, rDNA derived) WHO International Standard 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 95/650 Interferon alpha-2a (Human, rDNA derived) WHO International Standard 95/650 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 16/204 7th WHO International Standard for Rabies Vaccine 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 17/204 1st International Standard for Darbepoetin 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 20/212 Influenza virus infectious IVR-215 (H1N1) 45620 E4/D7/E1 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 19/262 Influenza Virus Infectious CNIC-1909 (H1N1) 45290 E2/E8/E1 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
NIBSC 97/600 Interleukin-2 Soluble Receptor (Human rDNA derived) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
RNA medical QC823 BLOOD GAS.ELECTROLYTE.METABOLITE.BUN control 参考物质 Human 登录后下载 收藏
Zeptometrix NATRVP-GMK NATtrol Respiratory Verification Panel 质控品 登录后下载 收藏
中检所 370095-202001 新型冠状病毒抗原检测试剂国家参考品 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
中检所 370013-202002 甲/乙型流感病毒抗原检测试剂国家参考品 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
中检所 360020-201801 艾蒿花粉过敏原(W6)特异性IgE抗体血清国家参考品 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
中检所 360019-201801 户尘螨过敏原特异性IgE抗体血清国家参考品 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
ERM-DA470k/IFCC HUMAN SERUM (proteins) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
ERM-AD452/IFCC GAMMA-GLUTAMYLTRANSFERASE (catalytic concentration) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
ERM-AD453k/IFCC LACTATE DEHYDROGENASE ISOENZYME 1 (LD1) (catalytic activity concentration) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
ERM-AD454k/IFCC ALANINE AMINOTRANSFERASE (ALT) (catalytic activity concentration) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
ERM-AD457/IFCC ASPARTATE TRANSAMINASE (AST) (catalytic activity concentration) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
BCR-576 HUMAN SERUM (17 ß-ESTRADIOL, low level) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
BCR-577 HUMAN SERUM (17 ß-ESTRADIOL, medium level) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
BCR-578 HUMAN SERUM (17 ß-ESTRADIOL, high level) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
BCR-348R HUMAN SERUM (high progesterone) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
ERM-DA347 HUMAN SERUM (progesterone) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
ERM-DA471/IFCC HUMAN SERUM (Cystatin C) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
BCR-694 HUMAN RECOMBINANT LIPASE (enzymatic activity) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
BCR-393 HUMAN APOLIPOPROTEIN A I (mass concentration) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
BCR-573 HUMAN SERUM (low creatinine) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
BCR-575 HUMAN SERUM (high creatinine) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
BCR-574 HUMAN SERUM (medium creatinine) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
ERM-AD500/IFCC HbA1c KIT of CALIBRANTS 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
ERM-DA193 HUMAN SERUM (cortisol spiked) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
BCR-522 BOVINE BLOOD LYSATE (haemiglobincyanide) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
1800-0008 SeraCon I 登录后下载 收藏
1800-0011 SeraCon II 登录后下载 收藏
150536 人胎盘泌乳素(HPL) 参考物质 登录后下载 收藏
JCCLS CRM-001e Human multi-enzymes reference material 登录后下载 收藏
0845-0243 AccuSet™ Dengue Mixed Titer Performance Panel 登录后下载 收藏
16/202 OPV reference mOPV 3 登录后下载 收藏
15/296 Sabin monovalent Polio vaccine type 2 (1st International Standard) 登录后下载 收藏
16/196 Sabin monovalent Polio vaccine type 1(1st International Standard) 登录后下载 收藏
23/180 Antibodies to Thyroglobulin (human serum) (1st WHO International Standard) 登录后下载 收藏